Tumon Bay Guam

Tumon Bay is the main area of Guam for tourism activities and hotels.

Visit more of my websites:

I have a collection of different websites that you might find interesting. If you have time, please take a look. 

Sunshine Coast Stock Photography

My wonderful stock photos from my home town, the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Australia. Photos availablke for a range of prices and needs. Nature, wildifle, birds, marine,places, attractions… and more!

Click on the image above to visits www.sunshinecoaststockphotos.com and browse the beautiful photos. 

Tarrier Design

Over 18 years of professional design expereince. I have worked for clients big and small, from all over the world.

Click the image above to visit my design website. I am actually so busy working on grpahci designs that I don’t have a great deal of time to update it. The webstie will however give you an idea of some of the work I do.

Keith Tarrier Photography

I have been shooting digital photos since 2003. This is my personal collceciton of photos from all over the world.

Australia, Japan, Guam, Saipan, Rome, England, USA, Bali and more.

A huge range of Australian bird photos and historic Japanese places. 

A Collection of Photos

This is the sister site to this website. 

Both Guam and Saipan are tropical islands in the western pacific and only 215km apart.

Saipan was the site of major battles in WW2.  Neigbouring island Tinian was were the 2 atomic bombs were loaded onto B-29s and taken to Japan to be dropped. 

This website and all the photos on it are copyright by Keith Tarrier

This site created and maintained by Tarrier Design © 2004-2018